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● Open Round 10h of each month at 01:00 pm slt.

● Close Round the 30th of each month. 

● 1st of each month we'll return your items to your inventory.

● Set up start the 1st of each month at 01:00 pm slt .

● Set up end the 9th of each month at 01.00 pm slt.

● At the latest on the 9th of each month you have to send your exclusive vendor picture to the following mail :

Designers Rules

● At the latest on the 9th of each month you have to send your exclusive vendor picture to the following mail :

● Your items must be new creations , and you'll can not sell them in your store while the round is open,  after the event you can sell them in your store.

● Standard Designer. 30 prims available for each designer and 3.000 L rate for each month (you can use your own decoration).

● Sponsor Designer 50 prims available for each designer and 4.500 L rate for each month (you can use your own decoration).

● The payment can be made  in the rent box assigned for that. I understand all booths must be paid for in advance and set up completely. Event fees will not be refunded for late set up or failure to adhere to event rules.

● All designers that are late on payment or set up, will be excluded from the currently round, and we will check the waiting list .

● It's mandatory to participate in the event at least once in the three months after your application,  if you don't participate in the event in this 3 months, you will be eject from the event group.

● Copyright infringement is strongly prohibited.

●  We have room for 88 designer each round (72 Standar, 16 Sponsor).  If the list of 88 is complete you can enter to the waiting list. If you are in the waiting list you agree to be ready if necessary to rez the day of the event opening.

● Please respect your neighbors. Everyone has their space to place the vendors.


 - Late set ups will have an extension fee of 1000L (deadline for set up is 9th at 1 pm slt)
 - Late set ups will not be included for our advertisement services.
 You are allowed to ask for extra prims if you need them and the price will be of 10L$ per prim.

● Please read all rules before to apply.

Bloggers Rules

● Open Round 10th of each month at 01:00 pm slt.

● Close Round 30th of each month at 01.00 pm slt.  

* Your photos must be high quality 

* Put The Men&Women Jail Event logo on your blog.

* You must blog at least 2/3 items in every post and we ask for 4 different posts minimum per month, more items and posts are welcome.

* You MUST have at least ONE post BEFORE the event starts. You must have the rest of the post at least one week before the round ends.

* Put the name of the store whose articles you are posting and the name and SLurl of The Men Jail Event. Please be grateful  with the designers and think to tag them on your post.

*  Add every post to to the Jail Flickr Group:

* When you share your post of our event in your Facebook, please tag the event: @themenjailevent

* Contact to our blogger manager if for some reason you can not comply with the required posts or reports. We understand RL can be stressful, but if so, please let us know.

* Our blogger manager will contact you if you have not made the reports or if you have not posted 4 times, if it does not obtain any reply, sadly you will be ejected of the bloggers group.  

* For any question you can contact our blogger manager.



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